What Americans Should Know About GENDER IDEOLOGY

Blog Articles · Jul 12, 2024 · Social Issues

The radical gender ideology push has escalated since President Biden and Vice President Harris took office. The Biden-Harris administration has instituted policies that cut parents out of the conversation, redefine sex, and endanger women and children.


The Biden-Harris administration believes that the government–not parents–knows what is best for children and has infringed on parental rights at every turn. Despite what Biden and Harris believe, children are not creatures of the state.

FAST FACT: In response to concerned parents speaking up at school board meetings, the Biden-Harris Department of Justice targeted parents who engage with their elected officials for investigation as “domestic terrorists.”

FAST FACT: Vice President Harris has repeatedly referred to America’s youth as “our children.”

FAST FACT: The Biden-Harris Department of Education released a report banning the use of the “offensive and inappropriate” terms, like “mother” and “father,” in school.


A slew of sexually explicit school lessons and controversial LGBTQ+ books have been brought to light by concerned parents—and repeatedly endorsed by Kamala Harris and the Left.

FAST FACT: The rise in mandatory “drag queen storytime” in schools takes away valuable learning time, yet the Biden-Harris administration has responded by inviting drag queens who perform in front of children to the White House.

FAST FACT: Gender Queer, a book ridden with pornographic and pedophilic content, was on the National Education Association’s summer reading list for teachers and has appeared in school libraries across the country.


The “trans” movement preys on the vulnerable. Children, who can’t even legally consent to getting a tattoo, are encouraged to chop off healthy body parts and take hormone-altering pharmaceuticals, the effects of which are permanent.

FAST FACT: Up to 98% of children who struggle with their sex as a boy or girl come to accept their sex by adulthood.

FAST FACT: After sex-reassignment surgery, transgender-identified people are nearly 20 times more likely to die from suicide than the general population.


By drastically redefining sex under Title IX, the Biden-Harris administration is putting women and girls in danger by forcing schools to allow men to encroach on women’s spaces, including changing rooms.

FAST FACT: In an Oklahoma high school, a girl was “severely beaten” by a man pretending to be a woman in the girl’s bathroom. In Virginia, a girl was sexually assaulted by a teen boy pretending to be a girl. These are not isolated incidents.


Biden and Harris’ radical Title IX rewrite allows men to compete in women’s sports, putting women and girls at risk of serious injury and taking away opportunities and scholarships for women who excel in athletics.

FAST FACT: Men have 66% more upper body mass and 50% more lower body mass than women, making them physically stronger than women on average. No amount of puberty blockers will change height, organ size, skeletal structure, muscle mass, or any of the biological characteristics that make men unequal opponents to women in sports.

FAST FACT: The number of female athletes seriously injured competing against men is growing. In Massachusetts, the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell was forced to forfeit a game when a trans-identified six-foot-tall male basketball player with facial hair injured multiple players.


The Biden-Harris administration issued pronoun policies that violate the First Amendment by requiring government employees and those they contract with to use “preferred pronouns.”

FAST FACT: Compelled speech that forces people to deny biological reality violates the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment and Title VII at the least. For those who hold religious beliefs this compelled speech could constitute a violation of the Free Exercise Clause and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

At school, students should receive an education, not a government-imposed identity crisis. From redefining sex to compelling speech, the Biden-Harris administration has demonstrated a blatant disregard for the safety of women and children. We need policies that get us back to the basics.