Blog Articles · Feb 23, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Defense and National Security

Sanders' Veteran Bill Asphyxiates the VA System

Most Americans would agree that those who have sacrificed in service of this nation deserve the care and gratitude of their government. The importance...

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Blog Articles · Feb 13, 2014

A Vision to Unite America

My National Review post this week focuses on some of the true leaders of the House GOP conference, who will step in a fill...

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Blog Articles · Feb 12, 2014 · Budget and Spending

Why More Lawmakers Should Have Fought the Debt Ceiling Suspension

My Foundry piece this week explains the clean debt ceiling suspension is just the beginning of a sustained effort to abdicate fiscal responsibility. Some...

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Blog Articles · Jan 29, 2014 · Cronyism

Opportunity or Cronyism?

Remember last year when progressives were declaring victory? My Foundry piece this week explains how conservatives pushed back, and won: Last year, many in...

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My Federalist column today explains that "reform conservatism" has been alive and well for years, and it is about time pundits start taking notice...

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Blog Articles · Jan 16, 2014 · Cronyism

Washington's Weapon Against Conservatives

My Foundry column this week discusses one of the tricks the Washington Establishment uses against conservatives: Over the past several decades, big-government lawmakers and...

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