Blog Articles · Dec 8, 2013 · Budget and Spending, Taxes

A Budget Deal That Breaks Budget Control Act Caps is the Wrong Approach

House and Senate budget negotiators are nearing an agreement on a budget deal, but it may prove to be one that is not agreeable...

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Blog Articles · Nov 21, 2013 · Cronyism

U.S. Taxpayers Back Loan for Australia's Richest Person

The United States Export-Import (ExIm) Bank is at it again. Bloomberg reports the Bank "gave preliminary approval for $694 million in financing for billionaire...

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Blog Articles · Nov 12, 2013 · Healthcare

Obama's Amazon Problem

President Obama has many problems these days, and he can thank his Chief Technology Officer Todd Park for the latest. Later this week, the...

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Blog Articles · Nov 5, 2013

Wall Street Journal's Editorial Misfire

Over the past several months, the Wall Street Journal's editorial board clashed frequently with conservatives who fought to stop Obamacare during the funding battle...

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Blog Articles · Oct 23, 2013

Untangling the Spin: Post-Shutdown Polling

Mark Pryor is in serious trouble. According to the 2013 Arkansas Poll, Pryor's approval rating plummeted from 52-percent in 2012 to just 34-percent this...

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Blog Articles · Oct 15, 2013 · Budget and Spending, Healthcare

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Promotes Defund or Delay of Obamacare

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, remarked during an interview on the Frank Beckmann Show Wednesday that Congress cannot wait until 201...

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