Blog Articles · Apr 22, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism

Tennessee: End of Export-Import Bank Long Overdue

A great letter to the editor today in the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Mike Budnick from Winchester, Tennessee called the end of the Export-Import...

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Blog Articles · Apr 22, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Immigration

Using the Military for Amnesty

Background. In response to the surge of activist protest in the wake of the Senate-passed "Gang of 8" amnesty package, many members of Congress...

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Blog Articles · Apr 21, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Immigration

Export-Import Bank: Who Really Benefits?

On Friday, the U.S. Export-Import Bank will hold a "Small-Business Exporter Boot Camp" at their 2014 annual conference in Washington, DC. The description of...

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Blog Articles · Apr 19, 2014 · Budget and Spending

Running Away From the Ryan Budget

What practical impact will the House-passed Ryan Budget have on policy making in an election year? Unfortunately, since 2010, there has been a notable...

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Blog Articles · Apr 10, 2014

Fact: Compromise Has Expanded Government

In my Foundry column this week, I argue progressives have seen too many successes over the last century for us to offer a timid...

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Blog Articles · Apr 7, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism

Yes, the Export-Import Bank Perpetuates Cronyism

As conservatives, we are opposed to the Export-Import Bank of the United States, an 80-year-old institution that allegedly exists to "facilitate exports and imports...

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