In 1996, President Clinton signed into law a historic bipartisan accomplishment for the American people: welfare reform. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation...

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Blog Articles · Nov 28, 2018 · Social Issues

The First Step Act: Frequently Asked Questions

Background The goal of the First Step Act, commonly known as the Prison Reform Bill, is to improve public safety by reducing the high...

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Blog Articles · Nov 7, 2018 · Budget and Spending, Defense and National Security, Education, Healthcare, Immigration, Infrastructure, Social Issues, Taxes

Memo: Divided Government is an Opportunity to Forge Consensus Around 2020 Agenda

Democratic control of the House and Republican gains in the Senate could mean very little legislative progress for the next two years. This gridlock...

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Blog Articles · Oct 11, 2018 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending, Defense and National Security, Immigration, Regulation , Social Issues, Taxes, Welfare

Conservative Opportunities in the 2018 Lame Duck

What is a Lame Duck session of Congress? A Lame Duck session of Congress occurs after an election and before the start of a...

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This week, Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Ind.) introduced the Making D.I. Work for All Americans Act (H.R. 6532). This legislation would reform the Social Security...

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Blog Articles · Jul 10, 2018 · Social Issues

Letter to Congress: Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act (H.R. 1881)

The Honorable Rodney Frelinghuysen ChairmanCommittee on AppropriationsU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, DC 20515The Honorable Tom ColeChairmanLabor, HHS, Education Appropriations SubcommitteeCommittee on AppropriationsU.S. House of...

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