Blog Articles · Feb 14, 2018 · Immigration

Broad GOP Support for Ending Chain Migration

True conservative immigration reform requires an end to chain migration. In the past 35 years alone, 20 million people have come to the country...

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Blog Articles · Jan 26, 2018 · Immigration

Time to Shut Down Chain Migration

Our current family-based or “chain migration” legal immigration system is outdated and prioritizes relatives of existing immigrants over highly skilled and other merit-based applicants...

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Blog Articles · Jan 17, 2018 · Cronyism

Preserve the Ban on Earmarks

Background In January, the House Rules Committee will hold a hearing on “congressionally directed spending,” which is an inside Washington euphemism for a congressional...

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Background Every child deserves the chance for a good, individualized education that can prepare him or her for a job and a bright future...

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Blog Articles · Nov 8, 2017 · Immigration

MEMO: Eliminating the Diversity Visa Lottery the Right Way

On October 8, 2017, the White House released a letter from President Trump to Congress outlining several “principles” for immigration reform. The letter called...

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Blog Articles · Oct 3, 2017 · Regulation , Taxes

Internet Sales Tax Should Be Dead On Arrival

The internet is one of the most exemplary free market and innovation success stories of our life time. Over the last few decades, it...

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