Blog Articles · Sep 9, 2014 · Taxes

Obama's Plan to Tax the Internet

One of Washington's well-known tricks is to set up unpopular legislation for lame duck passage. The continuing resolution (H.R. Res. 124) released on Tuesday...

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The culture in Washington must change. And if we do the right things in the coming months conservatives have a real opportunity to start...

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Blog Articles · Jul 28, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Defense and National Security

Congress Rushing to Create New Veterans' Overload

As a veteran myself, I consider care for our nation's heroes a top priority. The Department of Veterans' Affairs has been in disarray for...

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Blog Articles · Jul 27, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism

What They're Saying: Export-Import Bank Supporters Undermine Obama's Bank

The debate over the future of the Export-Import Bank can be difficult to follow, in part because proponents of the Bank are often in...

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Blog Articles · Jul 21, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism

Small Biz Owner on Ex-Im Bank: "For Smaller Companies, It's Useless"

A recurring theme among Export-Import Bank supporters is that, at its heart, it's all about small business. One Tallahassee small business owner was completely...

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Blog Articles · Jul 17, 2014 · Immigration

The DACA Magnet

A recent memo from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) confirms that major "pull factors" for the current crop of illegal entries includes previously...

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