Blog Articles · Apr 18, 2012 · Budget and Spending

Issue Profile: The Budget for Disasters Act

Declarations of federal disasters has been on the rise since the Clinton Administration. President Obama has taken that trend to incredible new heights. Last...

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Blog Articles · Apr 18, 2012 · Cronyism

Exporting Gimmicks and Importing Honesty

Easy access to congressional voting records does wonders for accountability, but it often leads to impressive acts of rhetorical contortion by lawmakers. Last month...

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Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-CO) currently scores a 94% on our Legislative Scorecard and is the ranked the most conservative member of the Colorado delegation...

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Blog Articles · Apr 15, 2012 · Infrastructure

Highway Kabuki Dance

On Wednesday, the House will vote on yet another 90-day extension of highway and transit policy. The legislation would also include some language on...

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Blog Articles · Apr 11, 2012 · Taxes

Issue Profile: The Keeping Promises to Taxpayers Act

In 2008, while running for President, then-Senator Obama gave a speech in New Hampshire where he proclaimed (emphasis added): "I can make a firm...

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We continue our Member of the Week segment with a questionnaire with the Congressman. We want you to know the most conservative members of...

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