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Call Rep. Steve Scalise

(202) 225-3015

Make the call during normal business hours (9am - 5pm EST) and provide your name and address if asked.

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My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY, STATE].

I am calling to urge Rep. Steve Scalise to pass a CR into the new year.

This will avert a last minute omnibus that is so typical of Congress especially in an election year.

Our broken spending process has racked up generational debt that creates inflation and weakens our economy.

Americans can’t afford the inflation that comes with more reckless spending, and I don’t want the next generation, or the generation after that to have to pay for it too.

That is why Congress must do all that it can to slow down the rate of spending.

Please tell Rep. Steve Scalise to support a 6 month CR.

Thank you.