No Lame-Duck Omnibus

Current Score

Call Rep. Nancy Mace

(202) 225-3176

Make the call during normal business hours (9am - 5pm EST) and provide your name and address if asked.

Deliver This Message

My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY, STATE].

I am calling to urge Rep. Nancy Mace to pass a three month CR that extends to March 2025. This will avoid a holiday omnibus to achieve three important goals:

  1. Rejecting lame-duck legislating. – Congress shouldn’t cement the agenda of legislators rejected by their constituents for another year.

  2. Avoiding higher topline spending levels. Budget analysts at The Heritage Foundation estimate a CR through March 2025 would save taxpayers $60 billion compared to an omnibus passed prior to the end of the year.

  3. Enabling the next president to make their mark on federal spending and policy priorities for their first year in office.

Republicans must unite against a holiday omnibus that will blow out spending on account of rejected legislators. Speaker Johnson committed to this in September and I hope that you will keep him – and all members – accountable to the promise.

Please tell Rep. Nancy Mace to support a 3 month CR extension to March 2025.

Thank you.