Protect Women and Girls in Sports

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Call Sen. Mark Kelly

(202) 224-2235

Make the call during normal business hours (9am - 5pm EST) and provide your name and address if asked.

Deliver This Message

My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY, STATE].

I am calling to encourage [SENATOR] to support S.9 - Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act.

President Trump recently signed a very popular executive order to withhold federal funding from schools that allow men to enter into activities or spaces that are meant only for women. This just makes sense.

The American people now want Congress to follow up this action with legislation so that it cannot easily be undone by a future President.

The House passed The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act to ensure fair competition across the nation for female athletes. This legislation will instill trust for millions of girls that they will not be robbed of athletic and scholarship opportunities by men claiming to be women. It’s now time for the Senate to act!

I encourage you to follow up President Trump’s executive order with lasting legislation by supporting S.9 - Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. The public is on your side.

Thank you for passing along my message.

Have a good day.