Memo to GOP: To win in 2014 we need an anti-cronyism, anti-corporate welfare agenda

Blog Articles · Apr 30, 2014

In my Fox News column this week, I argue that conservatives in Washington need to embrace an anti-cronyism and anti-corporate welfare agenda:

The lessons of the 2012 election cycle are plain in the history books for all to see. When Republicans keep their heads down, worry about "not making ourselves the issue," and stick to safe, silent stump speeches, the vociferous left has everything it needs to reframe the debate on the terms upon which it prospers.
Conservatives must put forward an anti-cronyism, anti-corporate welfare agenda that uplifts all Americans, not just the elites. Such an agenda would resonate with Americans' deep-seated frustration with Washington, which is a well-oiled machine for those powerful enough to hire an army of lobbyists to descend on lawmakers, staff and bureaucrats.
There are many obvious planks to a pro-America, anti-Washington platform that can be built over the next six months.

Read the whole column here.